Change Can Be Easy.

How can such profound effects manifest in such a short time?

Change isn’t as hard sometimes as we think. Small adjustments can make huge impacts over the course of time and repetition. Take a song, a computer program, or the trajectory of a baseball flying off of a swinging bat. If you change just a few notes, you create a new song. Adding line of code can change the whole computer program, and the slightest movement of the bat will make the difference between a foul and a home run. You may have heard the phrase “The Devil is in the Details”. I always like to add: “So is Divinity”. In other words, little things can make a big difference, both in positive and in negative ways.

Our brains work in the same way. Much like we use a mirror as to achieve an optimal OUTER appearance, reflective practices help to calibrate our INNER worlds. Witnessing our patterns means we can examine exactly how they are helpful- or harmful- and decide what patterns to reinforce and which patterns we’d rather update. Altering our brain patterns allows us to work directly with these “scripts” in an organic and intuitive process guided by your own subconscious mind.

Think about this. How difficult is it for one person to move a large couch? It could be quite the task! Our thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and behaviors can be arranged like furniture shifts in a room. A friend simply picking up one end of that awkward, heavy couch leverages all kinds of options for your space.

As a Quantum Practitioner, I hope to act as that friend. I’ve already witnessed the benefits of Quantum Healing in my own life, and I’m seeing remarkably positive changes in my clients’ lives as well. Are you ready to expand? To align with your higher purpose? To heal, both mentally and physically?

Contact me today to craft your quantum experience.

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Milestones, Connections, and Celebrations.

“One of these days, I’ll get on that train.” I think

I’m standing next to a covered wagon.  I run my fingertips up and down the wooden arches admiring their craftsmanship like a man might look at the mechanics of a fine race car in absolute awe.  This machine was made to travel.


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No Longer a Victim: A Whirlwind Session

Next we used an ego-states exercise to call up the part of her that was the “victim”.  She was an 11-year-old girl, who didn’t want to evolve because she wanted to protect her innocence and stay in the time before her abuse. She talked to this aspect of self, who had a magnet.  The magnet…

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My Lucky Clover

I held out the magical clover and Jay looked bewildered. I don’t remember his exact words, but I do remember him shaking his head in disbelief and remarked he’d never found one before.

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